Fossil fuels must be reduced to stop the climate crisis. However, over 90% of the fuels used for transport, a sector demanding around 30% of total primary energy consumption in Europe, are fossil fuels. In this context, the European Union aims to achieve over 30% of renewable fuels for transport by 2030.
NIMBUS aims to foster circular economy in public transport. To do so, this project will turn the Baix Llobregat WWP into an ecofactory that will generate biogas from sewage sludge. Likewise, it will use power-to-gas technologies to turn renewable energy surplus into gas. By combining both, NIMBUS will generate biomethane, a renewable and sustainable fuel suitable for public transport.
FUNDING: LIFE programme, the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action
BUDGET: €1,987,494
EU CONTRIBUTION: €1,093,120.00
DURATION: 39 months (September 2020- November 2023)
COORDINATOR: Cetaqua Barcelona
CONSORTIUM: Aigües de Barcelona, Genocov, Labaqua and TMB
DEMONSTRATION SITE: Baix Llobregat WWTP (Barcelona, Spain)